Enum DWriteFontStretch
The font stretch enumeration describes relative change from the normal aspect ratio as specified by a font designer for the glyphs in a font. Values less than 1 or greater than 9 are considered to be invalid, and they are rejected by font API functions.
Namespace: JeremyAnsel.DirectX.DWrite
Assembly: JeremyAnsel.DirectX.DWrite.dll
public enum DWriteFontStretch
Name | Description |
Condensed | Predefined font stretch : Condensed (3). |
Expanded | Predefined font stretch : Expanded (7). |
ExtraCondensed | Predefined font stretch : Extra-condensed (2). |
ExtraExpanded | Predefined font stretch : Extra-expanded (8). |
Medium | Predefined font stretch : Medium (5). |
Normal | Predefined font stretch : Normal (5). |
SemiCondensed | Predefined font stretch : Semi-condensed (4). |
SemiExpanded | Predefined font stretch : Semi-expanded (6). |
UltraCondensed | Predefined font stretch : Ultra-condensed (1). |
UltraExpanded | Predefined font stretch : Ultra-expanded (9). |
Undefined | Predefined font stretch : Not known (0). |