Enum D3D11ResourceMiscOptions
Identifies options for resources.
Namespace: JeremyAnsel.DirectX.D3D11
Assembly: JeremyAnsel.DirectX.D3D11.dll
public enum D3D11ResourceMiscOptions
Name | Description |
BufferAllowRawViews | Enables a resource as a byte address buffer. |
BufferStructured | Enables a resource as a structured buffer. |
DrawIndirectArgs | Enables instancing of GPU-generated content. |
GdiCompatible | Enables a resource compatible with GDI. |
GenerateMips | Enables MIP map generation by using GenerateMips(D3D11ShaderResourceView) on a texture resource. The resource must be created with the bind flags that specify that the resource is a render target and a shader resource. |
Guarded | Set this flag to indicate that the resource is guarded. |
None | No option. |
ResourceClamp | Enables a resource with MIP map clamping for use with SetResourceMinLod(D3D11Resource, float). |
RestrictSharedResource | Set this flag to indicate that the operating system restricts access to the shared surface. |
RestrictSharedResourceDriver | Set this flag to indicate that the driver restricts access to the shared surface. |
RestrictedContent | Set this flag to indicate that the resource might contain protected content; therefore, the operating system should use the resource only when the driver and hardware support content protection. If the driver and hardware do not support content protection and you try to create a resource with this flag, the resource creation fails. |
Shared | Enables resource data sharing between two or more Direct3D devices. The only resources that can be shared are 2D non-mipmapped textures. |
SharedKeyedMutex | Enables the resource to be synchronized by using the AcquireSync(ulong, uint) and ReleaseSync(ulong) APIs. |
SharedNTHandle | Set this flag to enable the use of NT HANDLE values when you create a shared resource. By enabling this flag, you deprecate the use of existing HANDLE values. |
TextureCube | Sets a resource to be a cube texture created from a Texture2DArray that contains 6 textures. |
TilePool | Set this flag to indicate that the resource is a tile pool. |
Tiled | Set this flag to indicate that the resource is a tiled resource. |