Enum D3D11SrvDimension
These flags identify the type of resource that will be viewed as a shader resource.
Namespace: JeremyAnsel.DirectX.D3D11
Assembly: JeremyAnsel.DirectX.D3D11.dll
public enum D3D11SrvDimension
Name | Description |
Buffer | The resource is a buffer. |
BufferEx | The resource is a raw buffer. |
Texture1D | The resource is a 1D texture. |
Texture1DArray | The resource is an array of 1D textures. |
Texture2D | The resource is a 2D texture. |
Texture2DArray | The resource is an array of 2D textures. |
Texture2DMs | The resource is a multisampling 2D texture. |
Texture2DMsArray | The resource is an array of multisampling 2D textures. |
Texture3D | The resource is a 3D texture. |
TextureCube | The resource is a cube texture. |
TextureCubeArray | The resource is an array of cube textures. |
Unknown | The type is unknown. |